Pinetree Macro Charts 15 June 2024

Hey Market, Show Me You Care?

Can you see how the incremental profit pool is shifting for different sectors?

Let’s watch whether market cares for it or not.

The Hypocrisy Of Europeans

More fodder for Dr Jaishankar.

No..Kyrgyzstan has not become rich suddenly…connect the dots.

This is Europe trade with Russia via Kyrgyzstan…the same Europe which tells other countries not to do trade with Russia.

US Is Abusing The Privilege

This was bound to happen with US abusing its privilege of reserve currency.

We strongly believe that GOLD has entered monetary system as neutral reserve asset.

The Next UK Government Will Have Lot Of Challenges

UK is no more a productive economy and rising mortgage in arrears could just increase the headache for the incoming government next month.

If Liberals come to power, then I have no doubt that the UK will implement policies to inflate away the debt…short STERLING.

We Are Going To Need A Lot Of Power

Marginal power consumption of ChatGPT is 10x vs. Google search engine.

Combined this with the requirement of power for data centers, we are bullish on the Power Infrastructure ecosystem.


I can be reached at:

Ritesh Jain

Twitter: @riteshmjn



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